The Geekery View Gaming
The Geekery View Gaming follows host Jartog as he plays through various exciting video games. Brand new games, old retro games and everything in between! Jartog tests out some video games, while others he will play from start to finish. All while making fun and hilarious commentary. He also gives tips and tricks on how to play the video game at it’s best. Watch the intro to the show below.
Jartog will also play video games with his family for some fun filled and exciting episodes. Make sure not to miss an episode!

Where to WATCH!
Fans can watch the Geekery View Gaming on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, LG TV, Comcast, Android, Xfinity, XBOX, COX and the PlayStore. The show reaches over 2 Billion viewers and has an average of over 4 Million views a month through the "Happy Kids TV" channel, the "Geek" Channel and the "BINGE" Networks. Also available on YouTube and Vimeo.

In this episode Jartog and his family take on the game of Fortnite and attempt to battle the other teams for a victory. But along the way Jartog's audio sensors are messed up and he can't tell which direction the other players are coming from. See if Jartog still manages to win the round!

For over 12 years Jartog was #1 on the charts of the Original Star Wars Battlefront game. Now he wants to share video games with viewers around the world! Jartog makes sure to keep everything clean while he plays too. To assure that his content is appropriate for all ages to watch. During each season, Jartog will also announce some fun GIVEAWAYS and give viewers a chance to win free merchandise!
Each episode is sponsored by a great company that the director approves and assures is a appropriate company for the viewers. If you are a business owner, we invite you to become a sponsor of The Geekery View Gaming! Check out our Sponsorship Deck below for more info and contact us to get started!